Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can be powerful yet natural methods in strengthening the body’s immune defences.
Though the source of pain can sometimes be obvious, it is often due to more subtle dysfunctions in the nervous system resulting in neuropathic pain which cannot be seen on x-rays or ultrasound scans. Oftentimes this neuropathic pain involves the nerve to muscle connection where affected muscles that have become shortened/ tightened or overstretched/ loosened, physically compounding pain due to reduced blood flow. A classic example is someone who suffers back pain after long periods of sitting: though their back muscles may of course be affected, often the muscles in their buttocks become overstretched and the muscles at the top of their thigh become overly tight (simply due to the body position while seated), and the muscles become inhibited or “switch off”, referring pain to the back. If these muscles aren’t addressed, the back pain may not resolve completely or may become recurring.
Chinese medicine has promoted specialised treatment for women during pregnancy and postpartum for over 3000 years. Today this care is becoming increasingly popular and used by acupuncturists and specially trained midwives all over the world. Pregnancy, childbirth, and postnatal recovery are viewed in Chinese medicine as ideal times to nurture a woman’s wellbeing to promote foetal and maternal health. Acupuncture is used to assist with a range of pregnancy related conditions, alleviating the discomfort that is often part of many pregnancies, and offering women an alternative to medication. Many integrative doctors, particularly those with a special focus on women’s health, fertility, and pregnancy, in fact recommend their clients to incorporate acupuncture as part of their pregnancy journeys.
Why acupuncture?
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine have grown in popularity in Australia, particularly in the last few decades. There are many reasons why people seek treatment with acupuncture and Chinese medicine, however our clients' reasons tend to fall in one or more of the following categories:
Who gets acupuncture? All walks of life! We see a wide range of people at our clinic with a variety of conditions. The youngest client we’ve treated on Bribie so far is four years old and the oldest is 91 |
May 2023