Why acupuncture?
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine have grown in popularity in Australia, particularly in the last few decades. There are many reasons why people seek treatment with acupuncture and Chinese medicine, however our clients' reasons tend to fall in one or more of the following categories:
Who gets acupuncture? All walks of life! We see a wide range of people at our clinic with a variety of conditions. The youngest client we’ve treated on Bribie so far is four years old and the oldest is 91
The most common questions my acupuncture clients first ask are:
The short answer is, “it depends”. The number of treatments required varies depending on the type of condition, how long you’ve had it, your lifestyle, and your individual response to acupuncture - some people respond quickly, others take a bit longer. In general however, I expect to see benefit within the first few treatments. Sometimes, however, acupuncture might not be the right solution and other interventions are required - I discuss the treatment process with my clients during their first appointment. The good news is that the vast majority of my clients experience significant improvement in their conditions - it’s not uncommon for my clients to have complete resolution of conditions that have plagued them for years or even those they were told required surgery. My clients are often surprised (and grateful!) when I don’t place acupuncture needles at the site of pain. Much like how a switch on the wall is able to turn on a light bulb on the ceiling, acupuncture points located in one area of the body are able to affect another area via the body's internal wiring. Depending on the condition, better results are often achieved when needles are placed away from the affected area, whilst also avoiding aggravation to already sore spots.
May 2023