The conventional treatment for trigeminal neuralgia is pain medication - or in some cases, surgery. Acupuncture, however, is commonly used for treatment particularly by those that are unable to tolerate the side effects from medication or those wanting to avoid surgical procedures. Acupuncture has been shown to be effective in not only relieving the pain by reducing any pressure or inflammation that may be impacting the nerve, but also helps to repair and regenerate damaged nerve tissue by increasing local blood circulation.
Sufferers of trigeminal neuralgia will be relieved to know that no acupuncture needles are placed on the face during treatment! In the majority of cases involving nerve dysfunction, our clinic steers clear of the affected region so as to avoid aggravating an already sensitive area. Instead, we place needles in other areas of the body, including the hands, legs, and feet, making use of the body’s internal wiring to treat the face. When the acupuncture needles are placed on the body, a signal is sent along the spinal cord to the brain which triggers a release of endogenous opioid endorphins, the body’s natural pain-relieving chemicals, and increases blood flow to the affected area to promote healing. Acupuncture also decreases inflammation. With reduced pain sensations and inflammation, trigeminal neuralgia pain eases and the nerve begins to repair. Most of our clients feel a positive change within the first few treatments, depending on the severity of the condition and how long they’ve had it. We’ve had clients who have suffered with trigeminal neuralgia pain for long periods of time - over a year - become happily pain free after a few courses of treatment
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May 2023